Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Journal Entry 1

I have lived in Kansas City, Missouri my whole life. I recently moved to Southwest Florida this past fall. Back in Missouri, fall was always my favorite season. It was never too hot and never too cold. I loved going for brisk walks and being surrounded by the beauty of the autumn colored leaves falling around me. I was disappointed with "fall" in Florida, it was comparable to my summer in Missouri. Going to the pumpkin patch and drinking hot cocoa just wasn't the same. However, I was never a fan of winter in Missouri. I absolutely hate the cold weather. It is actually painful; the cold wind smacking me in the face as I walk across campus or not being able to make it some place because the roads are covered in snow or ice. Although associated with Christmas is snow and cold weather, I wasn't upset when it was 80 degrees and I was able to go to the beach this year. I haven't done much exploring in Florida, especially down here in Fort Myers but what I have done I have enjoyed. I've spent quite a bit of time on the beaches. Laying out by the beach and reading a book is some of the best therapy and relaxation I can find. I truly love the sounds you hear between the waves crashing against the shore, birds, and the soft voices of the people around you. I have also began late night runs around my apartment. The weather is perfect at night year round to enjoy a run and get a clear mind before bed. Back in Missouri I was never much of an "outdoorsy" person. I never really cared to be outside unless it was a nice day and we haven't had one in awhile. Even on those days though I would've much rather drove around with the windows down then just sit outside and enjoy the weather. Whereas ever since I've moved out here I spend a lot more time embracing the beautiful weather and scenery down here. Especially now while all my friends back home are freezing. I usually do most of my homework outside. It makes doing homework much more enjoyable. I love the more "tropical" part of nature rather than the wilderness. I've never been a huge fan of forests, murky waters, and wild animals. I have beyond thankful we don't have a fieldtrip where we actually have to get in the water this semester but I am still anxious about how I will feel on our fieldtrips. This class will definitely require me to get out of my comfort zone and although I am nervous I am excited for these new experiences. I hope that this class opens my eyes and changes my perspective on our world and nature. I hope I learn the impact I have on our world and how to improve my actions to positively affect it. The thing I hope to gain most from this class is to conquer my fears and try things I normally wouldn't. I think that is something that I can learn from and take with me throughout life. My New Year's resolution this year was to say "yes" more, take some risks, and get out of my comfort zone so I believe this class will help me do that. I feel like throughout the rest of my education, my career, and just my adult life in general if I apply that attitude I will experience more and be a more well rounded person for it. I know that isn't the big "take home" point of this class but it is something that I personally will gain from it.

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