Monday February 20, 2017
1 packet of Quaker instant strawberries and cream oatmeal- purchased from Publix then put together myself at home
1 cup of coffee- brewed in Keurig, K-cup purchased from Publix
2 Quaker chocolate crunch rice cakes, 2 tablespoons of peanut butter, and 1 medium sized banana- all purchased from Publix then put together myself at home
1 8oz glass of water- from fridge
Buffalo chicken pita- pre-made at Pita Pit
2 8oz glasses of water- from fridge
Chicken breast, asparagus, tomatoes, and pesto- all purchased from Publix then put together myself at home
2 8oz glasses of water- from fridge
2 cups of strawberries- purchased from Publix
1 8oz glass of water- from fridge
Estimated Total Caloric Intake: 1,488 according to calorie-counter.php

I would say my food choices are somewhat sustainable. They could be worse, I think getting the Publix brand of chicken is better than getting chicken from some other grocery store. I also believe that since we are in Florida and have the ability to produce most fruits and vegetables year round helps with picking more sustainable produce from the grocery store. However I wish I had the time to go to local farmer markets to purchase my fruits and vegetables. I think that would be more sustainable and it also helps out local businesses and farmers versus big corporations.
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